Select date with android datepicker appium

This post explains burning question – How to pass /select date in date picker in android application. Many guys tried to do with swipe but that is kind of passing hardcoded coordinates and not useful in long run. driver.FindElement(By.Id(“com.eos.eos_du_su:id/ed_manufdate”)).Click(); ((AndroidElement)(driver.FindElement(By.XPath(“//android.widget.NumberPicker[@index=’0′]//android.widget.Button[@index=0]”)))).Tap(1, 2); ((AndroidElement)(driver.FindElement(By.XPath(“//android.widget.NumberPicker[@index=’1′]//android.widget.Button[@index=0]”)))).Tap(1, 2); ((AndroidElement)(driver.FindElement(By.XPath(“//android.widget.NumberPicker[@index=’2′]//android.widget.Button[@index=0]”)))).Tap(1, 2); driver.FindElement(By.Id(“android:id/button1”)).Click(); This is how you can select date from datepicker in […]

Getting started with Appium

Automated software (App ) testing is an essential component of successful development projects. This post is for Appium beginners ,who want to set up and continue automation testing for  their app. Lets get started. Set up Appium server # Install  Appium server and client library from here. I am using here , Appium server for windows […]